

Is physical fitness advice contradictory or complementary?


Do you think that the attitudes, motivation and methods used in the gym can help people to enjoy all that God has prepared for them?


Can physical exercise be a form of spiritual discipline that can be used as a response to God’s love for humanity and his creation?


When our time on earth comes to an end, will it really matter how we have looked after our earthly bodies?


How has your own experience of being healed, or not, affected your faith in God?


Our Miracle Baby

Hi, my name is Ailin Iwan Poon, and I am sharing this testimony to testify of God’s amazing love, grace, kindness, generosity, and faithfulness.

Angel on the Stairs

We’d always planned to have four children, but by 1992, our three children were already 14, 9 and 5, so when my husband and I spoke about having that fourth baby, we both felt we’d left it too late. We went to bed that night quite content with our decision not to have any more children, but the next morning, we’d both changed our minds!

You Too Can Walk on Water

Wow! That’s a bold claim, but is it actually true? Well, Jesus, walked on water didn’t He? Of course, you might now be thinking, but he walked as the Son of God. This is true, so as impressive as His walk may have been, it’s not something that we mere mortals can aspire to, or is it?

Former Muslim Radical Explains Why He Traded Jihad for Jesus

Jay used to dream about killing Christians and Jews in terror attacks around the world, but that all changed when he met Jesus. Jay grew up in a conservative Muslim family in Afghanistan. In 2001, when he was just 15-years-old, he fled to the UK to escape the fighting between US forces and the Taliban, the Christian Post reported. However, when he came to Britain, he found himself becoming gradually attracted to the same radical extremism he fled in Afghanistan.
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